Wednesday 3 June 2015

The milk is flowing

Jonathan and Pinkie May 15

Pinkie is continuing to improve and her milk is flowing freely. We are currently getting over 2 litres a day. Using it all up is a challenge as we are not allowed to sell the milk or milk products yet. We need to register with environmental health and be inspected before we can start selling. So we are skimming off lots of cream, making cheese and butter and generally looking for lots of ways to use milk and whey. Watch out for posts on this over the coming weeks.


Anonymous said...

I also use the milk to make Kefir and soap! The milk can be frozen for soap making at a later date so I keep a small chest freezer of milk just for that purpose.

Jonathan Wallace said...

Soup is something we plan to do but are yet to try!

Anonymous said...

When we had a milk surplus, we canned some, we gave some to the chickens (the calcium in milk is good for them), and believe it or not, we actually gave some to our tomatoes. I had read that calcium prevents blossom end rot. I have bought soap make from goat milk and it was really nice.

Jonathan Wallace said...

When we have too much milk to cope with, we add it to the chickens' mash to boost their calcium intake.