Tuesday 21 March 2023

Hand reared


One of the lambs born recently looked as though she would not survive her first night as she was shivering and the weather was freezing. So we decided to hand rear her while her mother continued to raise her other lamb. We knew that taking the lamb in this way would break the bond with the mother and that we would be stuck with the task of feeding her. She has responded well, treating me as her mother, following me about the field and working up a very good appetite which has resulted in her being bigger than the other lambs. For the first few days, because of the cold snap, and not having a ewe mother to keep her warm, her nights were spent at our house. She then learnt to climb stairs and we found her sleeping on the floor next to our bed. The improved temperatures means she now stays on the field at night. She uses the sheep shelter under the hedge.

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