Sunday 28 September 2008

Digging over the allotment

I have been rather tied up on other things recently so I haven't had much time to write about what we have been up to in foraging or crop growing. However, work has been on going and I have just got back from the allotment having spent a couple of hours digging over the patch were the potatoes had been.

Our potatoe crop was a bit of a failure but we should have done better preparations. The ground needs to be prepared over coming weeks and well manured. We also need to pick a better location for the spuds, one less wet and where the soil is not so heavy. We will use a large plot that was left fallow this year for the next crop. It was rotovated in March and will need digging over again to remove the weeds but we will be adding manure and compost to it.

In the meantime, I had 5 bags of well rotted manure which I put onto the plot I dug over this afternoon. One bit of advice I was happy to follow was to spread the manure on the surface and not dig it in. The worms will draw it down into the soil.

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