Thursday 26 May 2011

Leek and Bacon flan

leak and bacon flan May 11

We still have a few leeks growing on the allotment from last year so I made a flan to use some of them up. I added in a bit of bacon as well. Here's the recipe:

Shortcrust pastry for the base (self-raising flour, rubbed with half the weight of fat - I used margarine and a bit of water to bind it all together;

Roll out the pastry and put it into a flan dish or baking tray.

Chop a couple of medium leeks and add to flan dish.

Chop one or two rashers of bacon and add to flan dish.

Beat two eggs and pour over the bacon and leek.

Grate a small amount of cheese and sprinkle over.

Put in oven at 180C for about 20 minutes or until top is golden brown.

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