We grow our own food in a suburban village in the North East of England. Follow us as we keep up the battle to be self-sufficient.
Friday, 29 May 2009
A good strawberry crop
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Beech nuts
Wednesday, 20 May 2009
My favourite use for gooseberries is in elderflower and gooseberry jam. Watch out for my making this in a few weeks.
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Monday, 18 May 2009
Opening up bed 4
Earlier this year I tried an experiment to kill the grass and weeds by smothering them with a thick layer of manure. This does seem to have worked though there were a large number of horsetails that grew through. I extracted all of them this weekend and then started to dig the patch. Given the size of bed 4, this is going to take some time. Nevertheless, at last the job is underway.
We have a number of sweet corn seedlings growing in the greenhouse. They will go onto bed 4. We will update you on other crops to go there shortly.
Meanwhile, I paid a visit to Dad's allotment on Saturday. His is in Marley Hill, the next village along the road from Sunniside. I don't often get to Dad's plot but I was struck by the size of it. It is only about a fifth the size of ours. So I count ourselves lucky to have such a large allotment. It does of course mean more work it required, especially as we are restroing it from a derelict condition.
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Sunday, 17 May 2009
Roasted rhubarb abd ginger with yoghurt
The recipe is from the Guardian this week. Another triumph for Delia Smith.
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Saturday, 16 May 2009
Stuck in the greenhouse in a storm
At least the allotment gets a welcome watering, though it did so yesterday as well. And the water butts will get filled up as well.
So, I thought I would take this opportunity to give you a blog tour of the greenhouse.
Pumpkin seeds were planted on 10th but not get germinating. We have 6 seeds planted. Apparently, once they are growing and planted out, they use up lots of water, so we're only doing a small number.
29 sweet corn seeds were planted a couple of weeks ago and there are doing very well.
I repotted the tomatoes last week so no further news on them. Likewise the peppers and aubergines.
5 cucumbers are growing well. One tray of celeriac is doing well. Coriander seeds are planted but doiing nothing yet.
So greenhouse news generally is good.
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Thursday, 14 May 2009
What's growing in a park in London
I think I will be making some return visits.
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Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Greenhouse update
There is still plenty in the greenhouse. The nasturtiums above were planted as seeds and they have all germinated. These are being grown not for display but as food. The leaves and flowers can be eaten and the seeds can be pickled, a bit like capers.
We have also bought pepper, tomatoe and aubergine seedlings (the peppers are pictured above). These will all remain in the greenhouse, as will the cucumbers we have grown from seeds.
Also growing from seeds are sweet corn. They will be planted out, and will go onto bed 4 (most of which has not yet been dug over - that is a big job coming up.)
A nearly self-sufficient meal
We have also been through the entire contents of the freezer to work out what we have and plan how to use it. The space will be needed soon as more crops come in from the allotment. Though we are mainly (but not entirely) vegetarian, when faced with the large quantity of bacon and sausages we found in the freezer, more meat than usual has gone on the agenda.
First crop from the allotment
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Update on vegetable beds
Peas above and broad beans below, both on bed 1. The broad beans were a success last year, the peas less so.
Allotment update no 4 May 2009
My latest video about how we are restoring the allotment in Sunniside. This covers April and early May.
Thursday, 7 May 2009
Opening up bed 3
David dug over the bed so I can't claim the credit for the hard graft here. The red cabbages we planted as seeds in the greenhouse have been planted onto this bed though we have a number left over which will have to go up to Dad's allotment. the rest of the bed will be used for brussel sprouts.
Anyway, it is another milestone reached. Bed 3 now in use.
Doing a runner
We planted sone sweet pea seeds in the greenhouse a few weeks ago and these have been planted next to the canes as well. The idea is that we attract more bees to help pollination.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Round up
As it is spring, the wild seasonal crops are the first to become available. So spring wild leaf salads have been on the menu and will continue to be until the season is over. A number of different leaves have been used: bramble, dandelion, hawthorn, willowherb, wild parsley and dock. Coming up soon will be havel and beech leaves. The drawback at the moment is that the dressings are made from goods purchased in the supermarket, especially olive oil and oranges. I am working on alternatives though these won't come to fruition (if at all) in most cases til the autumn. The main hurdle to overcome is the need for our own oil. Beech and hazel nuts provide possible alternatives in the autumn but it means getting a press. I am planning to use rosehip syrup as part of a salad dressing. We have some from last year.
The jam making season has begun though the first batch of jam was made for someone else with their produced! Over the weekend, David made rhubarb abd ginger jam for a colleague using her rhubarb. However, rhubarb will be the first produce to be cropped from the allotment this weekend.
April has been a seed planting month on the allotment and having the greenhouse is now clearly paying dividends. I am so pleased we completed its construction in the winter. We are now at the point where we are planting out seedlings - red cabbage and brussel sprouts. Others will follow.
Meanwhile, various beds were used for direct seed planting.
Bed One is now fully used for peas, broad beans, chard, carrots, parsnips and garlic.
Bed 2 has been partly used for onions, leeks and beetroot. Over the weekend I planted runner beans and the remaining spaces are to be used for gherkins and courgettes which are ready in the greenhouse.
Bed 3 is being opened up for the first time. It sits between the greenhouse and fruitcage. It is where the red cabbage and brussel sprouts are going.
Bed 4 is only in partial use at the moment, mainly for flowers. We need to do some work on it but the intention is to use if for winter crops.
Bed 5 is now fully in use with rhubarb, raspberries, potatoes and horse radish(though it shows no signs of growing yet). There are also 4 fruit trees: plum, apple, peach and nectarine. The first 2 were put in last year and have blossomed well. The other two were from my sister earlier this year and she wasn't sure if they would come to much. We are still living in hope.
Elsewhere on the allotment, the potato bags next to the greenhouse are showing signs of life. One third of the allotment however still remains in its original derelict state. The big job is to get that ready for cultivation.
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