Sunday 25 April 2010

Beds and Planters

This weekend we have put in a raised bed. We cheated and bought a kit from a company called LBS Garden Warehouse. The bed is put together with fastenings that will hold hoops and polythene if we buy the next part of the kit. We think we will because it would be useful to have a polytunnel.

Bed 1 has been dug over and planted with potatoes. We have gone for Kestrel, Majestic and Pink Fir Apple as the varieties this year - just for a change not any particular reason. We also have planted leeks, parsnips and half a row of chrysanthemums. The latter were a free packet of seeds which filled a patch in the bed.

We have also put two varieties of potatoes into planters (potato bags). In these have gone Charlotte and Mayan Gold. We always have a problem with carrots so this year we are trying carrots in a shallow planter to see what happens.

The seeds in the greenhouse seem to be doing well and this weekend we also planted courgettes.

Sunday 18 April 2010

Spring salads on their way

It is a miserable day today on Tyneside. Rather a pity after yesterday's sunshine. However I can see through the rain that the dandelions, wild garlic, raspberries, hawthorn and brambles are all producing a good crop of fresh green leaves. They make a great wild spring salad. Time to get picking!
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