Sunday, 28 March 2010

Rosemary & Rhubarb

Although we have planted some herbs on the allotment we didn't plant rosemary as we had a large bush of it in the garden. However not all of it survived the winter so we have cut out the dead branches and are going to trim back the rest of the bush - possibly drying some for storage.

New growth is also appearing on the rhubarb plants as they begin to show above the soil. Again this is something we wondered had been lost due to the cold winter. Maybe Spring really has arrived.

Saturday, 27 March 2010

Spring at last - perhaps!

The bad winter has delayed work on the allotment this year and we still have to repair the damage done to the fruit cage by the heavy snow falls. However the weather is now better and we have been digging the beds over in preparation for planting. Also as a result of the bad winter the water butts are full.

The greenhouse has been cleaned and tidied. Seed potatoes are sitting in seed trays chitting. We have gone for different varieties this year and also have some in very small quantities for growing in bags.

We have planted various seeds - tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers for the greenhouse along with some herbs. Others such as cabbages are for planting out later.

Onions (red and white) along with spring garlic. Five tubers of Jerusalem artichokes have been planted today. This is an experiment as we haven't grown or eaten them before.

Projects we want to start soon are a raised bed to help increase drainage in an area of the allotment which can be quite damp. Also we want to create a pond to give a home to the frogs we keep finding.