Friday, 28 February 2025

A donation of ivy


One of the households which borders our Nearside allotment recently cut back the ivy in their back garden. They asked if we wanted it for the goats. The goats are now having a feast!

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

First egg of the year


Our hens normally stop laying by the start of October and then start again around new year. This time they started laying again only in the past few days. So after a disappointing start, hopefully egg numbers will soar.

Monday, 10 February 2025

Grape vodka


Last year I was given some grapes grown by a friend in his greenhouse. They were rather soft, still on their stalks and full of pips. Instead of eating them, I put them into a jar along with 200g of sugar and 70ml of vodka. We recently tested the result. Very pleasant.

Pigeon and duck casserole


We have a glut of pigeon breasts in our freezers waiting to be used. Some of them are from a friend who bagged about 40 on our farm recently. Some of the meat found its way into this rather pleasant casserole.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Building the goat shed


We have friends who run gardening and building businesses and they often give us pallets and old fence panels. These are ideal materials for building shelters and sheds for our animals. All we have to buy are the nails and screws used to hold the structures together. We also have a rather snazzy tool for prising off planks from fence panels which we then use to clad the new animal sheds. No waste and quite sustainable.

Check out the video above for more on building the new goat shed.