Thursday, 13 March 2025

Pan Haggerty


Another of the meals we had recently gave us the opportunity to use some of last year's surpluses. Pan haggerty is made from potatoes, onions and cheese, all of which we have in abundance.

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

More pigeon cooking: toad in the hole


One of my favourite meals is toad-in-the-hole. It's a great recipe for using up our goats milk, our eggs and the pigeon meat we have in large quantities. The meat from pigeon breasts was made into sausages.  Definitely a meal to have again.



We now have a large surplus of eggs. That means omelettes are now appearing in our diet on a regular basis. Typically we use about 9 eggs for an omelette for two. Boiled eggs for breakfast also help to use up the surplus.

More pigeon cooking: burgers


We've been doing a great deal of cooking with pigeon meat recently. This pigeon burger was delicious, especially with some of our homemade onion chutney. The chips were made from our own potatoes. Alas, the bread role and the salad leaves came from the local Coop so this doesn't count fully as a totally self-sufficient meal.

Redcurrant vodka


This redcurrant vodka was made last year using the berries left over after making redcurrant jelly. A rather pleasant fruit liqueur it has a bit of a kick from the tartness of the redcurrants.

Eggs at last


The hens were very slow to start laying this year. They normally start around new year but this year, they began in late February. Matters weren't helped by the ability of some of our hens to lay in very secret locations. In the photo above, these eggs were laid in the bamboo patch in the garden next to one of our allotments. I only discovered them because the owners allowed me to cut the bamboo to feed to the goats!

Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Pigeon meatballs


We have lots of pigeon breasts in our freezers and we have been using them recently to make into sausage meat which we can use in a variety of ways. In the photo above we have made meatballs which were fried and then cooked again in a sauce.