Friday 20 February 2009

What's coming up this weekend

It's back to building the greenhouse this weekend. We think we are ready to put in the glass as the concreting of the infill at the front appears to have worked. So tomorrow Dad is coming down to give us a hand to finish the job. Hopefully my next post of the subject will be about about its being completed.

We have three other big jobs to do this weekend. The first is to go to the garden centre at Hexham. We are after a number of things including onion sets and seed potatos. And after that we are going to the farmers' market at Gibside.

Back on the allotment we have a fruit cage to build, and a large amount of manure to move around.

And the other big job is to go through all the jams, jellies and chutneys to see what we have left over, and then go through the contents of the freezer. It's a big chest freezer and I know there are bags of raspberries and red currants in there waiting to be used, along with about 6 pheasants, 4 ducks and 2 woodcock. Goodness knows what else is in there!


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