If you are setting out to be self-sufficient, sorting out your storage space should be an early task to be tackled. We learnt this the hard way. We relied on our garage which ended up being filled with equipment and stores of food. On the allotment we ended up treating the greenhouse as a storage space. In other words we should have sorted out having a shed some time ago. Instead, we built it over the weekend. The picture above is of the shed before the finishing touches and the wood preserver went on. Below, the photos show it completed.
We need to add guttering and water butts to it. We have no mains water supply on the allotment. Nor do we want tap water. It is a total waste to pour it on the ground when we can be using rainwater which falls naturally on the allotment. Mains water needs resources to capture and store it, clean it and pump it to our homes. We all need to cut down on its use, even in a year like 2012 when the reservoirs were filled to overflowing by excessive rain.
1 comment:
Rather than have water butts try to get one of these. IBC water container.Hold 1000 litres.
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