All our freezers are full so freezing a large quantity of plums was out of the question. Once we had made jam and chutney, we still had some to use up. I decided to bottle them. The process was easy. I made of syrup - 300g of sugar to a litre of water. The syrup was boiled and the cleaned, whole plums were added for 5 minutes. All the contents were then added to hot, sterilised jars, ensuring the plums were fully immersed in the syrup.
How did you process them for keeping?
Simply selected all those without damage, washed them and then put them in the boiling syrup until the skins started to break. Took about 5 minutes.
Am concerned they won't keep for you. They should really be either hot water bath processed, or in the oven. The jars you've used might not stand up to the processes though, you need proper preserving jars, eg Kilners. Not trying to teach egg sucking, just don't want your fruit, time, effort and money go to waste. The processing creates a vacuum seal which will preserve the fruit for 2 - 3 years.
agree w Mrs l
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