Wednesday 20 January 2016

Pinkie back from meeting her billy

One Monday, Pinkie came into heat. She was the last of our 3 goats to be mated. We took her to the billy on Monday and collected her again this morning. She seemed quite happy. so hopefully, there will be kids in June.

We had hoped to mate her with a pedigree Golden Guernsey billy but the farm we use requires animals to be tested for CAE. I got the vets out in early December and blood samples were taken. And then I waited and waited and waited for the results to come back. I spoke the the vets on a number of occasions and  wast told each time they would try to find out what happened. When Pinkie came into heat on Monday, we could not risk leaving her to come into heat in three weeks' time. So she went to the billy that serviced Geraldine and Georgina. I was hoping to have pedigree kids from Pinkie this year as I want one to put into goat shows. So one of the plans for this year has already been knocked on the head.

Today I had an apology from the vets who told me there was a technology meltdown which meant emails hadn't gone out. I'm in discussion with them about the bill.

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