Wednesday, 21 March 2018

Perky update

This short video of Perky, the goat kid we are raising by hand, was filmed last week. He had just started eating solids - in this case hay. The photo below was taken today. I discovered he likes eating grass and now that we are into spring, greenery is growing and we therefore have something fresh and free to feed the goats.

goats and kids eating grass Mar 18


Tired Hobby Farmer said...

Introduce fresh grasses gradually to prevent frothy bloat. Too much of a good thing can still be too much...

If by chance your goat overeats the grass and gets bloated, have baking soda and some edible oil on hand...olive oil, etc. Will help break down bubbles in the rumen......

Jonathan Wallace said...

Thanks for the advice. At the moment we've only given them a small amount of grass as there is not a great deal of it around at the moment. They are still getting hay, carrots and turnips. These will be gradually withdrawn as more greenery becomes available.