Sunday 25 January 2009

The joy of manure

I am pleased to say that as of yesterday, we have managed to shift all the manure we needed down to the allotment. There was still a modest pile left but Brian, who has one of the neighbouring allotments, was happy to take it off our hands.

As our allotment was derelict when we took it over 2 years ago, the soil was not in the best condition, so I am hoping the manure will work some magic. We haven't spread it all on the land yet. All the beds we used last year have been manured other than the one which had potatoes.

There is still a large part of the allotment that needs to be brought into cultivation and we now have three large heaps of manure ready to apply to them. (You can see part of one of the heaps behind me in the photo.) But we need to dig up the unused plots to get rid of the weeds and grass before we put on the manure. That was much of what we were doing today. There's still plenty to do.

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