Friday 30 January 2009

The weekend workload

This weekend is expected to focus on construction. We have a fruit cage to install and the patch for it has been prepared. It is 5m long by 2m wide. I did not make myself the most popular person at home however when I agreed to speak at an environmental conference in Newcastle on the afternoon of Saturday 31st January. So we are going to have to crack on tomorrow morning to get the whole job done.

The other construction work is to get the greenhouse built, or at least started. The allotment used to have a brick built greenhouse but this was gone long before we took over. There are however some solid foundations. The ground there needs to be cleared and we have a pile of branches there which means a bonfire tomorrow morning. I suspect it will take more than Sunday to get the greenhouse up. I think it will be a two weekend job.

Meanwhile I can report that our pasta making machine has arrived. We'll be trying out pasta recipes soon.

And finallt, the garlic planted in November is growing well.
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