Wednesday 25 April 2012

April showers

The amount of rain we are having at the moment is causing us some problems. Having experienced a heat wave in March, with the ground baked hard, now we have waterlogged soil and a great deal of mud. We have to let the hens out of the chicken run as that is just a mudbath. We have not been able to plant the potatoes as the ground is so wet and I am a bit worried that we are running out of time to get them in. In addition, the weather is stopping us from checking the hives. So stop the rain dancing everyone and give us just a couple of days of dry weather, please.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jonathon, I came across your blog a few months ago and look forward to your updates. I'm a Whickham lass born and raised who now resides in Rowlands Gill, just up the way from Sunny Sunniside.

Hope the rain subsides soon as I'm also a gardener.


Jonathan Wallace said...

Hi Bekks

We've had a dry day today! Not too warm though so we haven't been able to check the beehives. At least the hens aren't plodding around in mud though.


Ofwethepeople said...

Jon, I'm Al. The lack of a shell is caused by a lack of calcium. Purchase oyster shell where you purchase feed; leave it in a bowl and the hens will eat it as they need it. Grit is for digestion.

Jonathan Wallace said...

Hello Al

The grit we use has both oyster shells and soft grit for calcium. So far we haven't had a repeat of the shellles egg so we think it was just a one off. But we are still keeping an eye on it.

Thanks for the advice.


Jonathan Wallace said...
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