We have now got the bacon back from the butchers from our Tamworth pig. We picked it up yesterday and last night we had our first meal using the bacon - the classic British breakfast meal bacon and eggs though we were having it for our evening dinner. The eggs were our own as well.
The Tamworth is quite an old breed, predating the modern, commercial breeds and therefore the meat is considered to be much closer to the original forest-dwelling wild swine from which domesticated breeds are descended.
The flavour of the bacon was superb and there was a good layer of rind which grilled to a beautifully crisp texture.
The leg joint we roasted last weekend has now been fully used. The meat left over from the Sunday roast went into a pork and vegetable soup which we consumed through the week. The bone has gone into the freezer and at some point will be used to make more stock.
Alas, our cat has decided not to share our enthusiasm for the Tamworth. We cooked her some lung. She ate half of it and then refused to touch the rest. We tried to give her some more freshly cooked lung but she wasn't having it. What we had cooked for her ended up going into making the stock for the soup. If anyone has any recipes for pig lung, please send them! Pushka is now back on to Whiskas, not exactly part of our plan to become self-sufficient, though she did rather like the bits of the leg joint we gave her!
A way of cooking pigs lung.... chop pig's lung and liver . Coat in a little seasoned flour and fry. Add chopped onion and crushed garlic (1 or 2 cloves). Add chopped tomatoes fry a little all together then add water add a stock cube ( veg cube is nice or oxo). Leave to cook for a good hour on a low heat. Lovely with fried bread . Best wishes, Julie
another option - lung pie. mince the lung and fry a little with chopped onion, salt and pepper. lay the dough/crust/whatever you call it to the pan, cover with the mix and pour over with whipped eggs. put into oven.
basically the taste and texture of lungs are not very pleasant, so you just have to cover and mask it with something else :). the old estonians used every single bit of an animal, nothing went wasted, so lungs and kidneys were used for pies, legs-ears-noses for "meat jelly", blood and intestines for sausages etc. there is a proverb, that "only a scream of the pig was remained non-used" :)
basically it's like you did your bacon and leek flan.
My soggy sarnie is look even more sad now I've read this. It's a while since I've had any, but Tamworth pork is the finest I've tasted. I used to make Hugh F-W's rich liver pate too which was mighty fine!
I've enjoyed your blog. Thank you.
Cats are fussy eaters at the oddest of times, try mixing some of the pigs lung into the whiskas, and see if it goes down.
This is the first time I have posted here,
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