Saturday 9 August 2008

A busy weekend approaching

I didn't get on to the allotment last weekend to do any weeding so I have this awful feeling that extracting the little critters from the soil will be a major job for Saturday and Sunday.. We are planning a meal tomorrow evening in which all the veg will come from the allotment. We have chard, peas and beans ready for picking. I'll tell you after the meal how it all went!

We also have a big job this weekend of clearing out the freezer. We have lots of wild produce from last year that needs using up, such as blackberries. We also have a load of chopped cooking apples. Our neighbour Vic gave us a load of apples from his garden last year but we froze the ones left over after making various fruit jellies. We also have at least one set of stripped chicken bones. Handy hint - don't throw away bones, use them to make stock. If you can't make the stock straight away or don't have enough bones, freeze them. You can always add to them later. I'm hoping to make nettle soup with the stock.

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