Marrows and cucumbers. And aren't they big ones! The shape of the cucumber is the sort of thing that would have ensured an appearance on "That's Life" back in the 1980s. We have a bit of a glut of cucumbers in the sense that the greenhouse is producing them faster than we can consume them. As a result we have been giving them away and making them into a chutney or pickle. More about that on another day. The marrow was meant to be a courgette growing on bed 2. However, half the bed has been taken over by rasturtiums and the courgettes are a bit smothered by them though they are continuing to grow. The result was we didn't spot this one til it had got to marrow size. It was rather pleasant as a meal stuffed and roasted.
Anyone for pea? The pea crop is doing well so we are gradually licking them. David has the first batch ready for freezing. we have also kept the pea pods. They will help to make veg stock. Simple put them in a bag in the freezer and add to them til there is sufficient to use.
A healthy glut of beetroot. We have so far picked 5kg. We have pickled some and made some into relish.
Runner beans on bed 2. Note the abundance of nasturtiums. Note also how the left wigwam is doing so much better than the other two. The beans we planted on the first one can from Michael, David's uncle. The other two came from seed catalogues. Do it yourself is doing better!
I really enjoyed the strawberries. Yummie, yummie, yummie!
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