Friday, 7 April 2017

Hawthorn branches

hawthorn branches Apr 17 (7)

Spring is early this year. The leaves on the hawthorn are therefore early. This is useful as it means we are able to start chopping back overgrown hedges sooner than usual. The first branches came down on Thursday and were fed to the goats.

hawthorn branches Apr 17 (2)

The goats made quick work of the leaves and overnight they also ate some of the twigs and bark.

hawthorn branches Apr 17 (4)

The goat kids were interested in the branches but are yet to have a go at eating them.

hawthorn branches Apr 17 (8)

The branches were then chopped up for fuel. They will be stored on our Farside allotment where they will be dried out for a couple of years.

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